Sunday, June 3, 2007


Ok, ok, so the song goes "rainy days and Mondays always get me down" Well, nothing depressing about a rainy day here - we have not had rain for at least a rained and rained and rained and it was glorious! It was a perfect day to finish my first Monkey. I love this pattern and it was the perfect vehicle for some Cherry Tree Hill (I think the colorway is Monet - I lost the band) I have no idea what project this yarn was intended for, but it was probably an impulse buy because the colors are yummy. I think it looks like fruity pebbles...anyway, here's the monkey...This sock is a little big on the Sz 2's so I think the next pair will be on Size 1 needles. It is a very stretchy pattern so I think it will be fine. If not, I'll find someone with a very narrow foot and very thin calves ;-)

Yarn: Cherry Tree Hill Supersock (Monet?) 1 Skein

Needles: US Sz. 2 DPNs

1 comment:

Katy said...

I really didn't want to hear that about the size twos. What size shoe do you wear? Maybe the twos will work for me, especially as I am a tight knitter!