Thursday, January 24, 2008


I am so ADD right now I can't stand it! My theory is that after the pressure of compelteing projects for the holidays, I have completely lost my focus. I was thrilled at the thought of no pressure - just knitting whatever I wanted, or not. So far, I have five (5), yes, five (5) projects on the needles. This is way above my two-project limit. I was loving my chevron scarf, and it is about halfway finished...then I decided to work on THE SOCK, because the sole sock kept staring at me and my hubby said he had a sock that had a hole in I am half through the leg on it...then I saw the Square Cake purse at Knitty so I bought the yarn and can't wait to cast on...and then, there is was, in the LYS, the Kohl Mexicana wrap from Louisa Harding...I bought the yarn - you get to use 5 different yarns :-) and cast on -- I love it and can't wait for it to be is half done...So, by now you can see, I am having a hard time keeping my knitting focus...bear with me...I figure at this rate, it will all be done at the same time and I'll be in the same pickle once again.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What happened to 2007?

I cannot believe it is already a week into 2008! I had such grand plans for 2007 - as for all other years past. I don't know why I am surprised when another year has come and is very cliche, but the older you get, the faster it goes! We had a pleasant, although somewhat rushed holiday season around here...I did manage to gift friends and family with one hat, two scarves, one cowl, and four felted bags. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. As for me, I have finally cast on my Chevron scarf!!! I decided to save the Socks that Rock and chose to use two of my very own hand-dyed yarns! How exciting is THAT??? I like the way it is coming along; however, although I played it safe and chose to use a "semi-solid" for the second colorway, I think I see why you may want to use something a little more exciting. Maybe next time I'll take a walk on the wild side and choose two very contrasting yarns. I leave you, this first week of the year, with a photo of the Chevron Scarf in progress, as well as a photo of my favorite Christmas creation...I loved this bag!