Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like....

Well, I guess the answer should be Christmas. I must say that the season caught me by surprise, which shouldn't be a surprise. It seems every year I vow to be prepared and to get an early start. I have discovered there is no such thing as prepared or early start (not in my world, anyway). I have been working diligently to finish the Falling Waters scarf and am about half-finished. I finished the "Manly Scarf" and I love it - can't post a photo because the home computer is still down. I have a few other projects in the works for gifts, but with 16 days and counting, it is not looking good at this point. Normally, I would be panicked and my head would be spinning. Not this year. I'm taking it one day at a time and it is what it is...Christmas...whether the knitting is finished or not...Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Today is officially the first day of anything remotely akin to fall, which happens to be my favorite season. Maybe a little cool snap was what the doctor ordered. I was cleaning up my "knitting station", which basically amounts to my favorite chair with table holding everything I could possibly need close at hand, when I came across the sad beginnings of a Clementine Shawlette. I had to be honest with myself and admit I was never going to finish the shawlette, and who needs a shawlette anyway...so, there I was with three skeins of really pretty Alpaca Silk - what to do???? Frog the shawlette and cast on a Falling Water Scarf. I was plugging along half-heartedly, and then I got an e-mail from WEBS - what, a close out on Noro Silk Garden????? I had been carrying around a tattered piece of scrap paper with the pattern for a "manly scarf" written on it and it calls for, you guessed it, Noro Silk Garden! Call it luck, call it fate. The yarn came in and I cast on - and am halfway through! One reason I love Noro yarns is you never quite know what you are going to get. I love watching the colors come out of the skein and this scarf is the perfect vehicle. I am already thinking about other color combinations and stitch patterns. Yippee Skippee...maybe my groove was looking for something mindless yet interesting. I do intend to finish the Falling Water Scarf...so hold your breath!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Well, I don't know if the funk is over, but I can tell you that I am feeling a little better since I actually finished a project. I started a second Espresso Scarf, pink, last year in the hopes that it would be finished by time for a breast cancer fundraiser...needless to say, one year later, it was finished. I would love to post a photo by the home computer is still down so it will have to wait. The scarf was donated as a door prize for our second annual "Pretty in Pank" fundraiser. The PIPS, or "Pretty in Pank Sistas", yours truly included, put on a variety show, showcasing local talent, with all proceeds going to a local cancer support group, with the monies earmarked for breast cancer patients. Last year 98 tickets were sold...this year, 240! It was a great time, and the monies are used to help pay for gas to travel for treatment, for wigs, to pay the electric bill for a struggling family. What a great cause and what a fun time for all. In the spirit of the month of October and breast cancer awareness, I feel motivated to knit these socks . (Of course, this is really just an excuse to purchase pink sock yarn!)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In a FUNK...

There's nothing else to call it, really, but a funk...f-u-n-k. I could blame the heat. I could say I was really busy. I can't really say any of those things. I've lost my groove and can't seem to get it back. I thought maybe what I needed was a fresh start so I put the Chevron Scarf on a stitch holder, and cast on for a Baby Surprise Jacket. I must admit that the feel of needle and yarn was nice, but I still don't have that burning desire to just knit away. If anyone finds my groove, let me know...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Murphy's Law...

Ok, first of all, don't tell anyone I am blogging when I am supposed to be doing something that resembles work...Remember when I said I was waiting on my new A/C? Well, while I was patiently waiting, and the temperatures reached about 101 degrees, the old A/C went out. Yup, out. We spent four, count them, four, days without any A/C - waiting on the repair man and praying for the new unit. Soooooo...after having no word on the new A/C and being told the old one could not be repaired, we had to break down and purchase a new window unit. FUN, FUN, FUN for all. However, I must say it was well worth it. I could only play Scarlett O'Hara for so long before I really became just another hot and sweaty gal. I must also admit that the new unit is really moving some cold air and we are all enjoying it - especially Karma.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Man, has it been HOT around here! I am patiently awaiting the installation of my new central heat and air and I have been promised by the very friendly AC man that I am "on the list" - of course, I have no idea how long his "list" is. My cats are lazing about on the floor looking for a cool spot. My knitting is lazing about looking for someone to rescue it. I must admit that I have not been knitting much lately. I am looking for some inspiration but have yet to find it. I went to the stash to see if something would jump out and all it did was remind me of exactly how much yarn is in my stash. I have some pretty "summer" sock yarn colors and I feel like that is going to be the answer. However, before I embark on yet another project, I am going to at least finish the Chevron Scarf. On another note, I find it amusing that, along with waiting for my new AC, I am also waiting on my Knitting Daily prize mittens...pretty silly, huh...waiting anxiously for a pair of mittens in June!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I WON!!!

I entered Knittingdaily.com's magnetic poetry contest a while back and lo and behold, I WON 1st place! I could hardly believe it. The prize is my poem knit into a pair of mittens - how cool is that? I have been told they will be ready in a few weeks and I cannot wait to see them. I have always liked poetry and writing but have not actually done any real writing in quite a while. I find a lot of comfort in words and the way they are put together. I tend to like songs more for the lyrics than the melody. I like little snippets that are witty and advertising that is clever.

The Square Cake bag was a hit and I hope it raised a little money for our local Chamber of Commerce. So, before I go, here's a photo of the Square Cake bag and my winning poem...

"smitten for the rhythm of a knit stitch and skein..."

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Wow! It's MAY! I must apologize for being so delinquent in my posts. I have slowed down some on my knitting, for various reasons, one being the Onion Festival . I finished the Kohl Mexicana but have not yet photographed it for posting. I also finished another baby kimono and made a pair of baby Monkey socks as a gift. Yes, I still have the Chevron Scarf and THE Sock on the needles (sad, isn't it?) I am almost done with the Square Cake bag, which I am donating for auction. I will post a photograph as soon as it is finished. Really, not much exciting on the knitting front here at home. I do have some exciting and fun knitting news to share, but not just yet....stay tuned!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I am so ADD right now I can't stand it! My theory is that after the pressure of compelteing projects for the holidays, I have completely lost my focus. I was thrilled at the thought of no pressure - just knitting whatever I wanted, or not. So far, I have five (5), yes, five (5) projects on the needles. This is way above my two-project limit. I was loving my chevron scarf, and it is about halfway finished...then I decided to work on THE SOCK, because the sole sock kept staring at me and my hubby said he had a sock that had a hole in it...so I am half through the leg on it...then I saw the Square Cake purse at Knitty so I bought the yarn and can't wait to cast on...and then, there is was, in the LYS, the Kohl Mexicana wrap from Louisa Harding...I bought the yarn - you get to use 5 different yarns :-) and cast on -- I love it and can't wait for it to be finished...it is half done...So, by now you can see, I am having a hard time keeping my knitting focus...bear with me...I figure at this rate, it will all be done at the same time and I'll be in the same pickle once again.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What happened to 2007?

I cannot believe it is already a week into 2008! I had such grand plans for 2007 - as for all other years past. I don't know why I am surprised when another year has come and gone...it is very cliche, but the older you get, the faster it goes! We had a pleasant, although somewhat rushed holiday season around here...I did manage to gift friends and family with one hat, two scarves, one cowl, and four felted bags. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. As for me, I have finally cast on my Chevron scarf!!! I decided to save the Socks that Rock and chose to use two of my very own hand-dyed yarns! How exciting is THAT??? I like the way it is coming along; however, although I played it safe and chose to use a "semi-solid" for the second colorway, I think I see why you may want to use something a little more exciting. Maybe next time I'll take a walk on the wild side and choose two very contrasting yarns. I leave you, this first week of the year, with a photo of the Chevron Scarf in progress, as well as a photo of my favorite Christmas creation...I loved this bag!