Saturday, June 30, 2007


Guess what I did today? My friend, KS, and I traveled to one of our favorite yarn stores. I can't really classify it as a LYS because is it about 160 miles away! The goal for the day was to learn to spin wool using a drop spindle. For those of you who don't know, a drop spindle is small and looks fairly harmless. Almost like a child's toy top. However, as I was soon to discover, it is not as easy as it appears. Apparently, this method has been used for at least 10,000 years...I know takes that long to master the art! The class started at 11:00 a.m. and was to run to 3:00 p.m. Want to guess when I had my a-ha moment? Approximately 3:05 p.m. I enjoyed the class and learned some things, and am not at all giving in. However, do not expect a skein of sock yarn to roll off of my drop spindle any time soon! All in all, the day was good. KS got to spend some quality time with the yarn and pattern selection, and it was a pretty day for a ride. As a matter of fact, this was one of the many sites of the day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


For the past several weeks, we have had a family of birds nesting in the corner of our carport. There has been a lot of activity and, lately, a lot of chirpping going on. I think our little friends are about to leave the nest. My friend KS had a moment of clarity over the weekend, and she got me thinking about why people knit, and the different personalities of knitters. We had our monthly knit-in tonight and although it was a small group of 5 knitters, everyone there was a different type knitter. I tend to be a warm fuzzy knitter. It tends to make me relax. I like the feel of quality yarn and wooden needles. I like to be surrounded by baskets of yarn. I like knowing that I am creating something to adorn a friend or family member, (or myself). I like the idea that someone might think of me each time they slip into something hand made, just for them. Made by me with a warm heart and happy hands. So, I guess I am a feathering your nest kind of knitter.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Apparently, nobody really had an opinion about what the next project should be...frankly, neither did I (HA)! I decided on the Hedera sock in Lorna's Laces Shepherd is the beginning of what I believe is going to be a very pretty and very "serious" pair of socks. One thing I will tell you is if anyone ever asks you to put a picot edge on anything, tell them "not just no, but He** No!" Although it seems harmless, it causes eye strain, neck pain, joint pain and a bad attitude. No lie. Maybe it is just the fingering weight yarn and size 1 needles in the round...hmmm...anyhoo, I am now committed so there will be at least one more round of picot...I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


It happened again...I finished my second Monkey and guess what...weird pooling of colors... not so much in the leg, but the foot...I have no one to blame but myself...I believe it is a gauge issue...just the smallest of variation in stitch size, and the whole thing is, for lack of a better word, whompy. See for yourself. I was worried about the size, but that doesn't seem to be as much as an issue as I had first's just a color thing. Again, I will defeat this. I have nothing on the needles right now. The Claudia's Chocolate Cherry is calling to me. However, the Hedera in a solid color seems a little more appealing right chance of whompy color issues.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well, not much new here...I blocked the Jaywalkers over the weekend and must say that not much changed. They are softer, but as size goes, mostly the same...oh well, they are now safely tucked away in the sock drawer waiting for the 90 degree weather to subside. I am almost through with the second Monkey and I believe the phenomenon continues...a much smaller second sock. I promise to address and correct this issue ( don't laugh - I stopped biting my fingernails cold turkey in the 9th grade) In the meantime, the granny square frenzy has subsided. Don't fear, I still have the acrylic next to my chair so I'll be ready when the spirit moves me. As for the yummy Claudia Handpainted Chocolate Cherry sock yarn, I believe I found the perfect vehicle...Ladies and gentlemen...drum roll please...I give you "Saucy" Nothing like some cables and size 2 needles to make you feel all warm and fuzzy. The next planned WIP was to be the "Hedera" socks I just don't know if I can resist the Chocolate Cherry. Does anyone have a suggestion/opinion/give a hoot?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Here they are...six granny squares...1/2 of the Larger Than Life Bag. I did some math and decided that each color needed to be used three times, once as each portion of the square, and that would assure that each was may be fuzzy math, but I think I can use the same "formula" and not have any two squares alike. Six more squares and then the fun begins...assembling the bag. Stay tuned.

I also stared to turn the heel on my second Monkey sock and hope to finish it soon. My sock blockers arrived from the Loopy Ewe so I should be able to block my socks and see the final product. I bought the plastic sock blockers so that they would not warp over time. They are red and actually, I think they would make great Christmas decorations hanging from some pretty ribbon :-)

Monday, June 11, 2007


Ok, it's not's crochet! My mother taught me to crochet and knit a long time ago - most likely because I begged her and drove her crazy with questions. Needless to say, I didn't really keep up with either. When I decided a few years back to craft gifts for Christmas, I picked up the crochet hook. It was amazing how the stitches came back to me. However, when I discovered the knitting needles for the second time, I was hooked (no pun intended). I don't know why, but I really LOVE to knit and it makes my hands very happy. So, imagine my surprise when the Larger Than Life bag came into my life. My friend, KS, dangled the pattern in front of me, and then Cara, at January One decided to join the, here they are - the first three of twelve granny squares(1/4 of the way there!). I must say, I am enjoying putting them together and they do work up quite quickly. I am using Red Heart Soft Yarn - 100% Acrylic in six colors. I'll keep you posted on the progress.
AND...look what arrived in the mail today fromThe Loopy Ewe (
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! It is two skeins of the yummiest Claudia Hand Painted Yarn (Louet) in Chocolate Cherry (don't you love the name?) finerging weight, 100% merino wool...Right now I have no idea what it will be but I am enjoying just running my hands over it...stay tuned...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I met a gal at a local yarn store who makes these fabulous felted bags. Not so much the bags themselves, but the magical needle felting she applies to them. She taught a class not long ago and I decided I needed to learn one more skill. Although I had great visions of artistic designs, I left class with not much to show but a bag full of roving, some very sharp needles and a new outlet for venting frustration. I picked it back up at home, ripped out the first attempt, and ended up with something I could live with. All this to keep a promise I had made to the local chamber of commerce - a bag they could auction at their annual fundraiser. Well, a few weeks and a few drops of blood later (did I mention the needles are VERY SHARP?) I produced a bag and I am proud to report it brought a pretty decent price on silent auction.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Ok, ok, so the song goes "rainy days and Mondays always get me down" Well, nothing depressing about a rainy day here - we have not had rain for at least a rained and rained and rained and it was glorious! It was a perfect day to finish my first Monkey. I love this pattern and it was the perfect vehicle for some Cherry Tree Hill (I think the colorway is Monet - I lost the band) I have no idea what project this yarn was intended for, but it was probably an impulse buy because the colors are yummy. I think it looks like fruity pebbles...anyway, here's the monkey...This sock is a little big on the Sz 2's so I think the next pair will be on Size 1 needles. It is a very stretchy pattern so I think it will be fine. If not, I'll find someone with a very narrow foot and very thin calves ;-)

Yarn: Cherry Tree Hill Supersock (Monet?) 1 Skein

Needles: US Sz. 2 DPNs