Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I met a gal at a local yarn store who makes these fabulous felted bags. Not so much the bags themselves, but the magical needle felting she applies to them. She taught a class not long ago and I decided I needed to learn one more skill. Although I had great visions of artistic designs, I left class with not much to show but a bag full of roving, some very sharp needles and a new outlet for venting frustration. I picked it back up at home, ripped out the first attempt, and ended up with something I could live with. All this to keep a promise I had made to the local chamber of commerce - a bag they could auction at their annual fundraiser. Well, a few weeks and a few drops of blood later (did I mention the needles are VERY SHARP?) I produced a bag and I am proud to report it brought a pretty decent price on silent auction.

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