Sunday, May 11, 2008

I WON!!!

I entered's magnetic poetry contest a while back and lo and behold, I WON 1st place! I could hardly believe it. The prize is my poem knit into a pair of mittens - how cool is that? I have been told they will be ready in a few weeks and I cannot wait to see them. I have always liked poetry and writing but have not actually done any real writing in quite a while. I find a lot of comfort in words and the way they are put together. I tend to like songs more for the lyrics than the melody. I like little snippets that are witty and advertising that is clever.

The Square Cake bag was a hit and I hope it raised a little money for our local Chamber of Commerce. So, before I go, here's a photo of the Square Cake bag and my winning poem...

"smitten for the rhythm of a knit stitch and skein..."

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Wow! It's MAY! I must apologize for being so delinquent in my posts. I have slowed down some on my knitting, for various reasons, one being the Onion Festival . I finished the Kohl Mexicana but have not yet photographed it for posting. I also finished another baby kimono and made a pair of baby Monkey socks as a gift. Yes, I still have the Chevron Scarf and THE Sock on the needles (sad, isn't it?) I am almost done with the Square Cake bag, which I am donating for auction. I will post a photograph as soon as it is finished. Really, not much exciting on the knitting front here at home. I do have some exciting and fun knitting news to share, but not just yet....stay tuned!