Thursday, May 31, 2007


Not much throws me when it comes to tackling a new project. If it does not turn out quite as expected, well, I chalk that up to a lesson learned. This is true of my first pair of Jaywalkers There was so much talk about these socks I knew I just had to make a pair. I found some gorgeous Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock and decided to treat myself to some personal knitting after the Christmas bustle. I finished the first sock in Topeka around Groundhog day. I finished the second sock last week (yup, MAY)... Lesson Learned: Do not hesitate! Knit the second sock and SOON! Wellllllll.....hmmmmm...see for yourself. The second sock turned out much nicer than the first. The striping pattern in the yarn is as it is supposed to be - the first one is kind of blotchy. The tension in the second sock is a little tighter - I could be the first one is somewhat stretched out from being worn and admired...I have not blocked them yet, and that may make a difference. All in all, I don't think anyone else will notice when I slip these bad boys into a clog this winter, but I know they aren't as they were intended. Still, it's all good :-)
Yarn: Lorna's Lace - Shepherd Sock - 2 skeins
Needles: US Sz 1 DPN's (a/k/a Toothpicks)


Jennifer Anderson said...

Very cool! I'm impressed the second sock turned out better given the passage of time. Love the reference to Topeka within your first two postings! :-) Now I'm going to be addicted to your blog...I have to check the weather, read my online devotionals, read your a Noggin game with Ashley...and THEN go on to my aimless surfing...

Katy said...

I am glad to be the beneficairy of your learning curve. However, there's no telling when I may get to making a pair of Jaywalkers!