Monday, September 3, 2007


Well, it's Labor Day, September 3rd, also my birthday...ahem...we won't be blogging about THAT! I spent the long weekend with family and yes, there was yarn involved...a birthday cake in the shape of a basket of yarn (complete w/ real needles!), yarn as gifts, and a trip to a LYS...there was knitting in public, and what I am calling "socks on a plane", a reference to this, which made me laugh out loud. I finished the colorful pair on the trip out, and made it through the gusset decreases of the purple pair on the return flight...there was a needle lost in the process - a size 0 dpn floating around somewhere on an AA Regional Jet...oh well, I did just fine w/ the 4 remaining, the sock saga continues. I am planning on gearing up on bags and maybe a scarf or two...the holidays will be here before you know it...

1 comment:

Katy said...

Adorable socks, but I wanna see the cake!