Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hello, 2011!

Happy New Year! I am not one to make resolutions. I don't think you should limit your resolve to one day a year. That said, I do have some personal goals for the year, one of which is to be a more dedicated blogger. Heck, I don't even know if anyone reads this blog, but at least I can give those who do a few more posts! I have been knitting pretty regularly these days. One of my non-resolutions is to pull a few patterns at a time and make it a goal to actually knit them each. No deadline, no pressure. To start, I have pulled a cowl , some cabled mitts, and French Press Felted Slippers. I like the idea of having a plan, one item at a time, instead of staring at my stash and scratching my head. I did do some holiday knitting. Not a lot, but a few items, the cowl and baby hat shown. I am currently working on a striped stocking cap, which is fairly mindless TV watching knitting. I have a lot of hope for 2011 and am looking forward to what each day will bring. Keep checking in on me to check my progress!

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